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  • NSC 04 Building, Construction and Civil Engineering

    • National Standards Committee on Building, Construction and Civil Engineering (NSC 04)

      Scope: Standardisation in the field of construction, construction materials, code of building design and civil engineering

      No Organisation
      1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM)
      2 The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)
      3 Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran
      4 Jabatan Standard Malaysia (JSM)
      5 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)
      6 Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia
      7 Local Government Department (JKT)
      8 Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)
      9 Malaysia Iron and Steel Industry Federation
      10 Malaysia Timber Industry Board (MTIB)
      11 Master Builders Association Malaysia
      12 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
      13 Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN)
      14 Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR)
      15 Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association Malaysia (REHDA)
      16 The Cement and Concrete Association of Malaysia
      17 The Institution Of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)
      18 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
      19 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
      20 Universiti Teknologi MARA
    • No Technical Committee
      1 NSC 04/TC 1 Energy Efficiency of Buildings
      2 NSC 04/TC 3 Roads and Highways
      3 NSC 04/TC 4 Steel Products
      4 NSC 04/TC 5 Aluminium Products
      5 NSC 04/TC 9 Household Fittings and Building Accessories
      6 NSC 04/TC 11 Building Design and Construction
      7 NSC 04/TC 12 Ceramic Materials and Sanitary Fittings
      8 NSC 04/TC 13 Bricks and Blocks
      9 NSC 04/TC 14 Concrete and Concrete Products
      10 NSC 04/TC 17 Geotechnical works
      11 NSC 04/TC 18 Organisation of information about construction works
      12 NSC 04/TC 19 Composite Building Materials
      13 NSC 04/TC 21 Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Structure
      14 NSC 04/TC 22 Code of Practice for Design of Structural Steel
      15 NSC 04/TC 23 Wind Load
      16 NSC 04/TC 24 Earthquake
      17 NSC 04/TC 25 Cement
      18 NSC 04/TC 26 Sewerage
      19 NSC 04/TC 27 Construction Practices
      • NSC 04/TC 1 Energy Efficiency of Buildings

        Technical Committee on Energy Efficiency of Buildings (NSC 04/TC 1)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of code of practice and material for enhancing energy efficiency of buildings (passive)

        No Organisation
        1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        2 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        3 Energy Commission
        4 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        5 International Islamic University of Malaysia
        6 Malaysia Energy Centre
        7 Malaysian Institute of Architects
        8 Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan
        9 Public Works Department
        10 SEDA Malaysia
        11 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        12 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        13 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        14 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 3 Roads and Highways

        Technical Committee on Roads and Highways (NSC 04/TC 3)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of roads and highways including terminology, performance requirement, classification and specification of materials, quality, testing and sampling

        No Organisation
        1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        2 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        3 Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia
        4 IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd
        5 Malaysian Highway Authority
        6 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        7 OPUS International (M) Berhad
        8 Opus Group Berhad
        9 Projek Lebuhraya Usahasama Berhad
        10 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        11 UEM Builders Berhad
        12 Universiti Malaysia Pahang
        13 Universiti Putra Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 4 Steel Products

        Technical Committee on Steel Products (NSC 04/TC 4)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of steel products used in building construction including definitions, classification and specification of materials, quality, testing, sampling and Excluding scopes already covered under ISC P and ISC F

        No Organisation
        1 Building Materials Distributors Association of Malaysia
        2 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        3 Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia
        4 The Institution Of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)
        5 Malaysia Steel Association
        6 Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation
        7 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        8 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        9 Construction Research Institute of Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 5 Aluminium Products

        Technical Committee on Aluminium Products (NSC 04/TC 5)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of aluminium products used in building and construction industry

        No Organisation
        1 Construction Research Institute of Malaysia
        2 FMM Aluminium Manufacturers Group of Malaysia
        3 Fenestra Malaysia Sdn Bhd
        4 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        5 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        6 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Product Certification and Inspection Department)
        7 Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia
        8 Persatuan Industri Fasad Malaysia
        9 IKRAM QAS International
        10 Construction Research Institute of Malaysia
        11 Algood Associates
        12 TUV SUD (M) Sdn. Bhd
      • NSC 04/TC 9 Household Fittings and Building Accessories

        Technical Committee on Household Fittings and Building Accessories (NSC 04/TC 9)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of household fittings and building accessories

        No Organisation
        1 Building Materials Distributors Association of Malaysia
        2 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        3 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        4 Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia
        5 IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd
        6 Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd
        7 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        8 Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers
        9 Malaysian Sheet Glass Bhd
        10 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        11 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        12 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        13 Safety Glass Processors Association of Malaysia
        14 The Chartered Institute of Building Malaysia
        15 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 11 Building Design and Construction

        Technical Committee on Building Design and Constructions (NSC 04/TC 11)

        Scope: Standisation in the field of building construction including

        • General terminology of building
        • Organisation of infromation in the process of design, manufacture, fabrication, construction and maintenance
        • General geometric requirement for building , building elements and component including modular coordination and its basic principles, general rules for joint tolerance and fits
        • General rules for order performance requirement for building and building elements including coordination of these with performance requirements of building component to be used in building and civil engineering
        No Organisation
        1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        2 Building Materials Distributors Association of Malaysia
        3 Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia
        4 IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd
        5 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        6 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        7 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        8 Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara
        9 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        10 Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd
        11 Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association Malaysia
        12 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        13 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        14 The Institution of Surveyors
        15 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        16 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        17 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 12 Ceramic Materials and Sanitary Fittings

        Technical Committee on Ceramic Materials and Sanitary Fittings (NSC 04/TC 12)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of ceramic products and sanitary fittings used in building construction including definitions, requirements, classification and specification of materials, quality, testing and sampling

        No Organisation
        1 Building Materials Distributors Association of Malaysia
        2 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        3 FMM Malaysian Ceramic Industry Group
        4 IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd
        5 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        6 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        7 Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan
        8 Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara
        9 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        10 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Product Certification and Inspection Department)
        11 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Testing Services Department)
        12 Universiti Teknologi MARA
      • NSC 04/TC 13 Bricks and Blocks

        Technical Committee on Bricks and Blocks (NSC 04/TC 13)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of bricks and blocks including terminology, performance requirements, method of test, classification, specification of materials and dimensional properties

        No Organisation
        1 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        2 Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia
        3 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        4 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        5 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        6 Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association Malaysia
        7 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Product Certification and Inspection Department)
        8 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Testing Services Department - Fire Protection Section)
        9 The Cement and Concrete Association of Malaysia
        10 The Chartered Institute of Building Malaysia
        11 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        12 Universiti Sains Malaysia
        13 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        14 Universiti Utara Malaysia
        15 Zenbes Sdn Bhd
        16 ASC Tiles Sdn Bhd
        17 Sunway Paving Solutions Sdn Bhd
      • NSC 04/TC 14 Concrete and Concrete Products

        Technical Committee on Concrete and Concrete Products (NSC 04/TC 14)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of concrete and concrete products.including ready-mixed concrete, reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete, aggregates, definitions, classifications and specification of materials, quality, testing and sampling

        No Organisation
        1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        2 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        3 Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia
        4 IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd
        5 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (Cawangan Kejuruteraan Infrastruktur Pengangkutan)
        6 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        7 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        8 National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
        9 Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara
        10 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        11 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Product Certification and Inspection Department)
        12 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Testing Services Department)
        13 The Cement and Concrete Association of Malaysia
        14 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        15 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        16 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 17 Geotechnical works

        Technical Committee on Geotechnical works (NSC 04/TC 17)

        Scope: Standardisation of geotechnical works

        No Organisation
        1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        2 Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia
        3 Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia
        4 Institute of Geology Malaysia
        5 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        6 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        7 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        8 The Malaysian Site Investigators Association
        9 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        10 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 18 Organisation of information about construction works

        Technical Committee on Organisation of information about construction works (NSC 04/TC 18)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of building and civil engineering of organisation of information in the process of design, manufacturing and construction

        No Organisation
        1 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        2 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        3 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        4 Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan
        5 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        6 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 19 Composite Building Materials

        Technical Committee on Composite Building Materials (NSC 04/TC 19)

        Scope: Standardisation of composite materials for building

        No Organisation
        1 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        2 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        3 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        4 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
        5 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        6 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 21 Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Structure

        Technical Committee on Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Structure (NSC 04/TC 21)

        Scope: To prepare standards related to Code of practice for design of structures for concrete

        No Organisation
        1 Arup Jururunding Sdn Bhd
        2 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        3 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        4 Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia
        5 Jabatan Kerja Raya Sabah
        6 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        7 Perunding Hashim dan NEH Sdn Bhd
        8 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        9 Universiti Malaya
        10 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        11 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        12 Universiti Tenaga Nasional
        13 Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn Bhd
        14 VSL Engineers (M) Sdn Bhd
        15 W Lee & Associates Sdn Bhd
        16 YL Design Consultancy Services
      • NSC 04/TC 22 Code of Practice for Design of Structural Steel

        Technical Committee on Code of Practice for Design of Structural Steel (NSC 04/TC 22)

        Scope:  To prepare standards related to Code of Practice for design of structures for steel, concrete, timber, composite of steel and concrete; and loading codes

        No Organisation
        1 Alpine Pipe Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
        2 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        3 MC Hee & Associates Consulting Engineers
        4 Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation
        5 Malaysian Structural Steel Association
        6 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        7 Melewar Industrial Group Berhad
        8 NS Bluescope Lysaght Malaysia Sdn Bhd
        9 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        10 SSM Associates Sdn Bhd
        11 STAMsteel Sdn Bhd
        12 Shin Eversendai Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd
        13 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        14 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
        15 Universiti Malaya
        16 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        17 YL Design Consultancy Services
      • NSC 04/TC 23 Wind Load

        Technical Committee on Wind Load (NSC 04/TC 23)

        Scope:  Standardisation related Wind Load

        No Organisation
        1 BMT Fluids Mechanics
        2 H&T Associates Sdn Bhd
        3 Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia
        4 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        5 SEGI University
        6 Tesonic (M) Sdn Bhd
        7 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        8 Universiti Malaya
        9 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        10 YL Design Consultancy Services
      • NSC 04/TC 24 Earthquake

        Technical Committee on Earthquake (NSC 04/TC 24)

        Scope:  To prepare standards related to Code of practice for design of structures for earthquake

        No Organisation
        1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        2 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        3 HSS Integrated Sdn Bhd
        4 MC Hee & Associates Consulting Engineers
        5 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        6 Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia
        7 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        8 Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia
        9 Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains, Sabah
        10 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        11 Tesonic (M) Sdn Bhd
        12 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        13 The Institution of Structural Engineers, Malaysia
        14 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
        15 Universiti Malaya
        16 Universiti Malaysia Sabah
        17 Universiti Sains Malaysia
        18 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        19 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        20 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
        21 W Lee & Associates Sdn Bhd
        22 YL Design Consultancy Services
        23 Construction Research Institute of Malaysia (CREAM)
      • NSC 04/TC 25 Cement

        Technical Committee on Cement (NSC 04/TC 25)

        Scope: Standardisation related to cement and cement products

        No Organisation
        1 CMS Cement Industries Sdn Bhd
        2 Cement Industries of Malaysia Berhad
        3 YTL Cement Berhad
        4 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        5 Hume Cement Sdn Bhd
        6 IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd
        7 Malayan Cement Berhad
        8 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        9 National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
        10 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        11 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Testing Services Department)
        12 The Cement and Concrete Association of Malaysia
        13 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        14 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
        15 Universiti Malaya
        16 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        17 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        18 YTL Cement Berhad
      • NSC 04/TC 26 Sewerage

        Technical Committee on Sewerage (NSC 04/TC 26)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of sewerage works related to planning, design function, construction, installation, operation, maintenance, testing, performance requirements and commissioning of sewerage equipment/products and sewerage systems

        No Organisation
        1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        2 Association of Environmental Consultants and Companies of Malaysia
        3 Jabatan Alam Sekitar
        4 Construction Industries Development Board
        5 IKRAM QA Services Sdn Bhd
        6 Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd
        7 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        8 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (Engineering Services Division)
        9 Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara
        10 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        11 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd (Testing Services Department - Civil and Construction Section)
        12 Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembetungan Sarawak
        13 Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembetungan Sabah
        14 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
      • NSC 04/TC 27 Construction Practices

        Technical Committee on Construction Practices (NSC 04/TC 27)

        Scope: Construction Practices

        No Organisation
        1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        2 Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
        3 Malay Contractors Association
        4 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        5 Master Builders Association Malaysia
        6 Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan
        7 Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia
        8 Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association Malaysia
        9 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        10 The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia
        11 Universiti Malaya
        12 Universiti Putra Malaysia

  • NSC 05 Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Energy

    • National Standards Committee on Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Energy (NSC 05)

      Scope: Standardisation in the field of chemicals and materials, including nanotechnology and industrial biotechnology applications

      No Organisation
      1 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
      2 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)
      3 Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC)
      4 Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR)
      5 Malaysian Association of Standards Users
      6 Malaysian Cable Manufacturers Association
      7 Malaysian Electrical Appliances and Distributors Association
      8 Malaysia Nuclear Power Corporation
      9 Persatuan Kontraktor Elektrikal dan Mekanikal Melayu Malaysia
      10 Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia
      11 Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd
      12 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
      13 Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
      14 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
      15 Sarawak Energy Berhad
      16 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia (TEEAM)
      17 Tenaga Nasional Berhad
      18 Universiti Malaysia (UM)
      19 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
    • No Technical Committee
      1 NSC 05/TC 2 Electromagnetic Compatibility
      2 NSC 05/TC 4 Power Quality
      3 NSC 05/TC 5 LVAC Transformers, Switchgears and Electrical Accessories
      4 NSC 05/TC 6 Electromagnetic Field
      5 NSC 05/TC 7 High Voltage Power Transmission
      6 NSC 05/TC 8 Renewable Energies
      7 NSC 05/TC 10 Energy Management
      8 NSC 05/TC 12 LVDC Supply, Storage and EV Charging
      9 NSC 05/TC 13 Lightning Protection
      10 NSC 05/TC 14 Electrical Installation, Protection and Insulation Practices
      11 NSC 05/TC 15 Cables and Cable Accessories
      12 NSC 05/TC 16 Smart Grid
      • NSC 05/TC 2 Electromagnetic Compatibility

        Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility (NSC 05/TC 2)

        Scope: Electromagnetic Compatibility

        No Organisation
      • NSC 05/TC 4 Power Quality

        Technical Committee on Power Quality (NSC 05/TC 4)

        Scope: Power Quality

        No Organisation
        1 UTM
        2 TNB Research Sdn Bhd
        3 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        4 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        5 Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics,UTM
        6 Sarawak Electrical Inspectorate Unit, Ministry of Utilities
        7 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        8 Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Jabatan Kerja Raya
        9 Petronas Gas Berhad
        10 Sarawak Energy BHD
        11 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        12 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        13 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        14 TNB Integrated Learning Solution Sdn Bhd
        15 Universiti Teknologi MARA
      • NSC 05/TC 5 LVAC Transformers, Switchgears and Electrical Accessories

        Technical Committee on LVAC Transformers, Switchgears and Electrical Accessories (NSC 05/TC 5)

        Scope: Standardisation on LV transformers,switchgears,distribution boards,wiring accessories and cable management

        No Organisation
        1 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        2 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        3 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        4 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        5 Tenaga Nasional Berhad
        6 Universiti Malaya
        7 Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Jabatan Kerja Raya
      • NSC 05/TC 6 Electromagnetic Field

        Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Field (NSC 05/TC 6)

        Scope: Standardisation on electrical/equipment of electromagnetic fields (50 Hz to 300 GHz), including the measurement, repeatation, mitigation of electromagnetic field databases and biological interaction/ application of EMF with body. Included the limit of human exposure to EMF and health aspect to human being

        No Organisation
        1 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
        2 UNITEN
        3 Agensi Nuklear Malaysia
        4 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        5 Universiti Malaya
        6 Malaysian Medical Association
        7 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia
        8 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        9 Telekom Malaysia (TM)
        10 TNB Berhad
        11 Universiti Malaysia Perlis
        12 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        13 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        14 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        15 TNB Research Sdn Bhd
      • NSC 05/TC 7 High Voltage Power Transmission

        Technical Committee on High Voltage Power Transmission (NSC 05/TC 7)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of high voltage power transmission technology such as design aspects, technical requirements, construction and commissioning, reliability and availability, and operation and maintenance. Excluded: HV Cable and EMC

        No Organisation
        1 TNB Berhad
        2 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        3 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        4 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        5 Sarawak Energy Berhad
        6 The ELectrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        7 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
      • NSC 05/TC 8 Renewable Energies

        Technical Committee on Renewable Energies (NSC 05/TC 8)

        Scope: To prepare Malaysian Standards in the field of renewable energies

        No Organisation
        1 Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia
        2 Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia
        3 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        4 Andritz Power Sdn Bhd
        5 Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad
        6 Enco Holdings Sdn Bhd
        7 Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd
        8 The Institutions of Engineers, Malaysia
        9 Sher Engineering & Consultancy Sdn Bhd
        10 Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara
        11 Jabatan Alam Sekitar
        12 Malaysian Association of Standards Users Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association
        13 Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd
        14 Sime Darby Plantation Sdn Bhd
        15 SIRIM Berhad
        16 Energy Commission
        17 Sarawak Energy Berhad
        18 Tenaga Nasional Berhad
        19 TNB Research Sdn Bhd
        20 Universiti Tenaga Nasional
        21 Universiti Teknologi MARA
      • NSC 05/TC 10 Energy Management

        Technical Committee on Energy Management (NSC 05/TC 10)

        Scope: Standardization in the field of energy management and energy savings

        No Organisation
        1 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        2 Institution of Certified Engineers Malaysia
        3 Malaysian Energy Professionals Association
        4 Centre for Environment Technology and Development Malaysia
        5 Centre for Education, Training and Research in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Federation
        6 Malaysian Manufacturers
        7 Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia
        8 Malaysian Green Technology Corporation
        9 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        10 Jabatan Kerja Raya
        11 Malaysian Association of Energy Service Companies
        12 Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute
        13 Malaysian Energy Professionals Association
        14 Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia
        15 Pusat Teknologi Alam Sekitar dan Bioproses SIRIM Berhad (Environmental Technology Research Centre)
        16 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        17 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        18 Tenaga Nasional Berhad
        19 Universiti Malaya
        20 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        21 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        22 Agensi Nuklear Malaysia
        23 Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara
      • NSC 05/TC 12 LVDC Supply, Storage and EV Charging

        Technical Committee on LVDC Supply, Storage and EV Charging (NSC 05/TC 12)

        Scope: To prepare Malaysian Standards for technologies relevant to electrical and electronic products and systems in the field of nanotechnology in close cooperation with other committees of IEC and ISO TC 229

        No Organisation
        1 Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre
        2 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        3 Jabatan Kerja Raya
        4 Malaysian Automotive Association
        5 PROTON
        6 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        7 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        8 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia
        9 Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan
        10 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        11 Grandtop High Voltage Technology Sdn Bhd
        12 TNB Research Sdn Bhd
        13 UNITEN
        14 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        15 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        16 Petronas Group Technical Solutions
      • NSC 05/TC 13 Lightning Protection

        Technical Committee on Lightning Protection (NSC 05/TC 13)

        Scope: Standardisation on lightning protection for structures and buildings as well

        No Organisation
        1 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        2 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        3 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        4 Jabatan Kerja Raya
        5 Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan
        6 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        7 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        8 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        9 Grandtop High Voltage Technology Sdn Bhd
        10 TNB Research Sdn Bhd
        11 Universiti Tenaga Nasional
        12 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        13 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        14 Petronas Group Technical Solutions
      • NSC 05/TC 14 Electrical Installation, Protection and Insulation Practices

        Technical Committee on Electrical Installation, Protection and Insulation Practices (NSC 05/TC 14)

        Scope: To prepare Malaysian Standard in the field of electrical installations such as residential premises, commercial premises, public premises, agricultural and horticultural premises, prefabricated buildings, caravan, caravan sites and similar sites, construction sites

        No Organisation
        1 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        2 G. H. Liew Engineering Sdn Bhd
        3 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        4 Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan
        5 Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia
        6 Eita Resources BerhadThe Institution of Engineers Malaysia
        7 Jabatan Kerja Raya
        8 Universiti Malaya
        9 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
        10 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        11 Sarawak Energy Berhad
        12 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        13 TNB Berhad
        14 Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd
      • NSC 05/TC 15 Cables and Cable Accessories

        Technical Committee on Cables and Cable Accessories (NSC 05/TC 15)

        Scope: Cables and Cable Accessories

        No Organisation
        1 Malaysian Cable Manufacturers Association
        2 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        3 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        4 Jabatan Kerja Raya
        5 Universiti Malaya
        6 Malaysian Electrical Appliances Distributors Association
        7 PETRONAS Project Delivery & Technology (PD&T)
        8 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        9 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        10 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        11 TNB Research Sdn Bhd
      • NSC 05/TC 16 Smart Grid

        Technical Committee on Smart Grid (NSC 05/TC 16)

        Scope: Standardisation in power systems automation, information exchange, electricity market, T&D management, customer energy management and security

        No Organisation
        1 TNB Berhad
        2 ABB Power Grid Malaysia Sdn Bhd
        3 The Institution of Engineers Malaysia
        4 Matrix Power Network
        5 PETRONAS
        6 PSI Incontrol Sdn Bhd
        7 Siemens Malaysia Sdn Bhd
        8 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        9 TNB Research Sdn Bhd
        10 Universiti Malaya
        11 Utility Automation Sdn Bhd

  • NSC 07 Information Technology, Telecommunication and Multimedia

    • National Standards Committee on Information Technology, Communication and Multimedia (NSC 07)

      Scope: Standardisation in the field of IT, communications and multimedia

    • No Technical Committee
      1 NSC 07/TC 1 Multilingual Information Technology
      2 NSC 07/TC 2 Geographic Information/Geomatics
      3 NSC 07/TC 3 Intelligent Transportation System
      4 NSC 07/TC 4 E-Commerce
      5 NSC 07/TC 5 Information Security
      6 NSC 07/TC 6 Computer Graphic and Multimedia
      7 NSC 07/TC 9 Identity Cards and Related Devices
      8 NSC 07/TC 10 Biometrics
      9 NSC 07/TC 11 Software and Systems Engineering, IT Service Management and IT Governance
      10 NSC 07/TC 12 IT Interconnection, Communications and System Information
      11 NSC 07/TC 13 Health Informatics Standards
      12 NSC 07/TC 14 Automatic identification and data capture techniques
      13 NSC 07/TC 15 Blockchain and Electronic Distributed Ledger Technologies
      14 NSC 07/TC 16 Internet of Things and related technologies
      • NSC 07/TC 1 Multilingual Information Technology

        Technical Committee on Multilingual Information Technology (NSC 07/TC 1)

        Scope: Standardization of knowledge representation that is multilingual and accessible across systems and platforms for multilingual content, and translation on text and speech. It includes knowledge management systems and language resources, that is, collections of natural language data, such as terminologies, lexicons, corpora, NLP resources, annotation schemes, graphic character sets and their characteristics, including string ordering, associated control functions, their coded representation for information interchange, code extension techniques and audio

        No Organisation
        1 Al-Madinah International University
        2 Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
        3 MIMOS Berhad
        4 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
        5 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
        6 Universiti Malaya
        7 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        8 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        9 IEM
        10 MAMPU
        11 Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia (ITBM)
        12 Google Malaysia
      • NSC 07/TC 2 Geographic Information/Geomatics

        Technical Committee on Geographic Information/Geomatics (NSC 07/TC 2)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of digital geographic information/geomatic

        No Organisation
        1 Agensi Angkasa Malaysia
        2 Geo Dimension Sdn Bhd
        3 Geoprecision Tech Sdn Bhd
        4 Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR)
        5 Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains (JMG)
        6 Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa (PLANMalaysia)
        7 Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia
        8 Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia
        9 Kementerian Tenaga dan Sumber Asli (KeTSA)
        10 Persatuan Juruukur Tanah Bertauliah Malaysia (PEJUTA)
        11 Pertubuhan Juruukur DiRaja Malaysia (RISM)
        12 Pusat Geospatial Negara (PGN)
        13 Pusat Hidrografi Nasional (PHN)
        14 Pusat Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI)
        15 Spatialworks Sdn Bhd
        16 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
        17 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
        18 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
        19 Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
        20 Iskandar Regional Development Authority
      • NSC 07/TC 3 Intelligent Transport Systems

        Technical Committee on Intelligent Transport Systems (NSC 07/TC 3)

        Scope: Standardisation of information, communication and control systems in the field of urban and rural surface transportation, including intermodal and multimodal aspects thereof, traveller information, traffic management, public transport, commercial transport, emergency services and commercial services in the intelligent transport systems (ITS) field. Excluded: in-vehicle transport information and control systems

        No Organisation
        1 CyberSecurity Malaysia
        2 Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan
        3 Kementerian Kerja Raya
        4 Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia
        5 Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii)
        6 Prasarana Malaysia Berhad
        7 Sena Traffic Systems Sdn Bhd
        8 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
        9 Teras Teknologi Sdn Bhd
        10 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        11 Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
        12 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
      • NSC 07/TC 4 E-Commerce

        Technical Committee on E-Commerce (NSC 07/TC 4)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of E-Commerce / E-Business, Data Management and Interchange, Document Description and Processing Languages, Flexible Magnetic Media for Digital Data Interchange, and Optical Disk Cartridges for Information Interchange

        No Organisation
        1 CyberSecurity Malaysia
        2 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        3 IBM Malaysia Sdn Bhd
        4 International Association of Software Architects Malaysia
        5 Kastam Diraja Malaysia
        6 Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
        7 Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI)
        8 Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)
        9 Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)
        10 Malaysian Association of Standards Users (MASU)
        11 Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MiGHT)
        12 Malaysian National Computer Confederation
        13 Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP)
        14 Multimedia University
        15 The National ICT Association of Malaysia
        16 Payments Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet)
        17 MITI (Bahagian Digital Economy)
        18 Malaysian Retailers Association (MRA)
        19 Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)
        20 Association of Malaysian Express Carrier (AMEC)
        21 Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia
        22 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM)
      • NSC 07/TC 5 Intelligent Transport, Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection

        Technical Committee on Intelligent Transport, Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection (NSC 07/TC 5)

        Scope: Standardisation in Information Security which covers the development of standards for the protection of information and ICT. This includes generic methods, techniques and guidelines to address both security and privacy aspects, such as:

        • Security requirements capture methodology;
        • Management of information and ICT security
        • Particular information security management systems (ISMS), security processes, security controls and services
        • Cryptographic and other security mechanisms, including but not limited to mechanisms for protecting the accountability, availability, integrity and confidentiality of information
        • Security management support documentation including terminology, guidelines as well as procedures for the registration of security components
        • Security aspects of identity management, biometrics and privacy
        • Conformance assessment, accreditation and auditing requirements in the area of information security
        No Organisation
        1 CyberSecurity Malaysia
        2 Chief Government Security Office
        3 Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd
        4 Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit
        5 Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd (MTSFB)
        6 MIMOS Berhad
        7 POS Malaysia Berhad
        8 PricewaterhouseCoopers Risk Services Sdn Bhd
        9 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        10 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
        11 The National ICT Association of Malaysia
        12 NACSA
        13 Malaysian National Computer Confederation
        14 Telekom Malaysia
      • NSC 07/TC 6 Computer Graphic and Multimedia

        Technical Committee on Computer Graphic and Multimedia (NSC 07/TC 6)

        Scope: Standardization of interfaces for information technology based applications relating to computer graphics, image processing, virtual reality, environmental data representation and interaction with, and visual presentation of and information and standardization of coded representation of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information and sets of compression and control functions for use with such information such as audio information, bi-level and limited bits-per-pixel still pictures, digital continuous-tone still pictures, computer graphic images, moving pictures and associated audio, multimedia and hypermedia information for real-time final form interchange, audio visual interactive script ware

        No Organisation
        1 Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia
        2 Les’ Copaque Production Sdn Bhd
        3 The National ICT Association (PIKOM)
        4 Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation
        5 Multimedia University
        6 University Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
        7 Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)
        8 Sony Playstation Studios Malaysia
        9 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)
        10 The One Academy
        11 Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT)
      • NSC 07/TC 9 Identity Cards and Related Devices

        Technical Committee on Identity Cards and Related Devices (NSC 07/TC 9)

        Scope: Standardisation on: - identification and related device - cards/smartcards

        No Organisation
        1 CALMS Technologies Sdn Bhd
        2 CyberSecurity Malaysia
        3 Datasonic Group Berhad
        4 IRIS Corporation Berhad
        5 Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia
        6 Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara
        7 Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan
        8 Kridentia Tech Sdn Bhd
        9 Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC)
        10 Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit
        11 Malaysian National Computer Confederation
        12 MIMOS Berhad
        13 Multimedia University
        14 Payments Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet)
        15 Silterra Malaysia Sdn Bhd
        16 Tricubes Berhad
        17 Pejabat Ketua Pegawai Keselamatan Kerajaan (CGSO)
        18 Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (K-KOMM)
        19 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM)
        20 Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN)
        21 Jabatan Perlindungan Data Peribadi
      • NSC 07/TC 10 Biometrics

        Technical Committee on Biometrics (NSC 07/TC 10)

        Scope: Standardization of generic biometric technologies pertaining to human beings to support interoperability and data interchange among applications and systems. Generic human biometric standards include:

        • common file frameworks
        • biometric application programming interfaces
        • biometric data interchange formats
        • related biometric profiles
        • application of evaluation criteria to biometric technologies
        • methodologies for performance testing and reporting and cross jurisdictional and societal aspects
        No Organisation
        1 IRIS Corporation Berhad
        2 Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia
        3 Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara
        4 Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia (K-KOMM)
        5 Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI)
        6 Kridentia Tech Sdn Bhd
        7 Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit
        8 Malaysian National Computer Confederation
        9 Multimedia University
        10 Polis Diraja Malaysia
        11 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        12 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        13 NEC Corporation of Malaysia
        14 MyDigital Corporation
        15 Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia
        16 Pejabat Ketua Pegawai Keselamatan Kerajaan (CGSO)
        17 CyberSecurity Malaysia
      • NSC 07/TC 11 Software and Systems Engineering

        Technical Committee on Software and Systems Engineering (NSC 07/TC 11)

        Scope: Standardisation on:

        • Software and system engineering
        • IT Service Management and IT Governance
        • Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
        No Organisation
        1 Custommedia Sdn Bhd
        2 CyberSecurity Malaysia
        3 HeiTech Padu Berhad
        4 Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd
        5 Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)
        6 Malaysian National Computer Confederation
        7 Malaysian Software Testing Board
        8 MIMOS Berhad
        9 Mira Consulting Sdn Bhd
        10 Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak
        11 The Institution of Engineers Malaysia
        12 The National ICT Association of Malaysia (PIKOM)
        13 TM Applied Business Sdn Bhd
        14 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
        15 Universiti Malaya
        16 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        17 Universiti Sains Malaysia
        18 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        19 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        20 Amazon Web Service
        21 Microsoft (M) Sdn Bhd
      • NSC 07/TC 12 IT Interconnection, Communications and System Information

        Technical Committee on IT Interconnection, Communications and System Information (NSC 07/TC 12)

        Scope: Standardisation on:

        • Telecommunications and information exchange between system
        • Interconnection of information technology equipment (O-Member for ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25)
        No Organisation
        1 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
        2 Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia
        3 Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit
        4 Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd
        5 Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (K-KOMM)
        6 Multimedia University
        7 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        8 TIME dotCom Berhad
        9 Telekom Malaysia Berhad
        10 The National ICT Association of Malaysia
        11 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        12 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
        13 MIMOS Berhad
      • NSC 07/TC 13 Health Informatics

        Technical Committee on Health Informatics (NSC 07/TC 13)

        Scope: The scope includes the functional and domain requirements for the design, development and use of HIS applications components in the hospitals. It does not include functional requirements for the executive information system

        No Organisation
        1 Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia
        2 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
        3 Malaysian Health Informatics Association
        4 Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society
        5 Medical Device Authority
        6 Meridian Project Management Sdn Bhd
        7 MIMOS Berhad
        8 Multimedia University
        9 Primary Care Doctors Organisation Malaysia
        10 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
        11 Viamed Sdn Bhd
        12 HiTech Niaga
        13 Cerner (M) Sdn Bhd
        14 BookDoc
        15 Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)
      • NSC 07/TC 14 Automatic identification and data capture techniques

        Technical Committee on Automatic identification and data capture techniques (NSC 07/TC 14)

        Scope: Standardisation of data formats, data syntax, data structures, data encoding, and technologies for the process of automatic identification and data capture and of associated devices utilised in inter-industry applications and international business interchanges. Excluded are work areas assigned to another international subcommittee or international technical committee, including area of work on Automatic Electronic Identification for Containers and Container related Applications, Identification of Animals, RFID for Transportation and Control Systems, Cards and Personal Identification, Financial Transaction Cards, Related Media, and Operations and Packaging Bar code Labels

        No Organisation
        1 Status - RECESS
      • NSC 07/TC 15 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

        Technical Committee on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (NSC 07/TC 15)

        Scope: Standardisation of blockchain technologies and distributed ledger technologies

        No Organisation
        1 Asia Pacific University
        2 Bank Negara Malaysia
        3 Bursa Malaysia
        4 CyberSecurity Malaysia
        5 Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association/MASU
        6 Fintech Association of Malaysia
        7 Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia
        8 Jabatan Perlindungan Data Peribadi
        9 Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia
        10 Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi
        11 Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI)
        12 Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit
        13 Malaysian Software Testing Board
        14 Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology
        15 Malaysian Institute of Accountants
        16 NACSA (mewakili MKN)
        17 Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd
        18 MIMOS Berhad
        19 Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia
        20 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
        21 The National ICT Association of Malaysia
        22 Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia
        23 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        24 Payments Network Malaysia Sdn Bhd (PayNet)
        25 POS Digicert Sdn Bhd
        26 Malaysia Blockchain Association (MRA)
        27 Malaysia National Computer Confederation (MNCC)
      • NSC 07/TC 16 Internet of Things and Digital Twin

        Technical Committee on Internet of Things and Digital Twin (NSC 07/TC 16)

        Scope: Serve as the focus and proponent for standardisation programme on the Internet of Things and related technologies, including Sensor Networks and Wearables technologies

        No Organisation
        1 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        2 Custommedia Sdn Bhd
        3 CyberSecurity Malaysia
        4 Jabatan Perlindungan Data Peribadi
        5 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        6 MIMOS Berhad
        7 Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd
        8 Malaysian Administrative, Modernisation and Management Planning Unit
        9 NACSA (mewakili MKN)
        10 Malaysian Software Testing Board
        11 Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd
        12 Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia
        13 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
        14 REDtone International Bhd
        15 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
        16 Telekom Malaysia Berhad
        17 The National ICT Association Malaysia
        18 The Institute of Engineers, Malaysia

  • NSC 11 Logistics

    • National Standards Committee on Logistics (NSC 11)

      Scope: Standardization in the field of logistics that involves process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from point of origin to point of consumption to meet customer requirements

      No Organisation
      1 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
      2 Ministry of Transport (MOT)
      3 Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia
      4 Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ)
      5 Jabatan Laut Malaysia
      6 Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat (APAD)
      7 Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM)
      8 Lembaga Perlabuhan Kelang
      9 Universiti Teknologi MARA
      10 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
      11 Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
      12 Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat
      13 Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC)
      14 Perbadanan Aset Keretapi (RAC)
      15 Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB)
      16 MAB Kargo Sdn Bhd
      17 Association of Malaysian Express Carrier (AMEC)
      18 Association of Malaysia Hauliers (AMH)
      19 Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Malaysia (CILT)
      20 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)
      21 Malaysia Retailers Association (MRA)
      22 Malaysian National Shippers' Council (MNSC)
      23 Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association (MPMA)
      24 Federation of Malaysian Freight Forwarders (FMFF)
    • No Technical Committee
      1 NSC 11/TC 1 Transport
      2 NSC 11/TC 2 Packaging
      3 NSC 11/TC 3 Materials Handling
      • NSC 11/TC 1 Logistics Transport

        Technical Committee on Transport (NSC 11/TC 1)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of product movement as according to products by industry in ensuring safe and reliable transportation of products excluding the technical specification of transport

        No Organisation
        1 Kementerian Pengangkutan Malaysia
        2 Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Air (KASA)
        3 Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
        4 Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ)
        5 Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia
        6 Jabatan Laut Malaysia (JLM)
        7 Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat (APAD)
        8 Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM)
        9 Lembaga Pelabuhan Kelang
        10 Malaysia National Shippers' Council (MNSC)
        11 Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA)
        12 Malaysia Railway Development Corporation (MRDC) 
        13 Unverisiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
        14 Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
        15 Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
        16 Jabatan Tenaga Atom
        17 Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB)
        18 Association of Malaysian Express Carrier (AMEC)
        19 The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Malaysia (CILT)
        20 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)
        21 Northport (Malaysia) Bhd
        22 Westport Malaysia Sdn Bhd
        23 Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas Sdn Bhd
        24 Federation of Malaysian Freight Forwarders (FMFF)
        25 Association of Malaysian Haulier (AMH)
        26 Perbadanan Aset Keretapi (RAC)
      • NSC 11/TC 2 Packaging

        Technical Committee on Packaging (NSC 11/TC 2)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of packaging including the provision of packaging design and materials used that meet customer needs, ensuring safety and protecting the product that facilitate handling

        No Organisation
        1 Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Air (KASA)
        2 Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP)
        3 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)
        4 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        5 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
        6 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
        7 Association of Malaysian Express Carrier (AMEC)
        8 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturer (FMM)
        9 Malaysian Plastic Manufacturers Association (MPMA)
        10 Malaysian Bottled Water Association (MBWA)
        11 Consumer Association of Penang (CAP)
        12 Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar (DVS)
      • NSC 11/TC 3 Materials Handling

        Technical Committee on Materials Handling (NSC 11/TC 3)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of material handling that is concerned with internal logistics - the movement and storage of materials in a facility

        No Organisation
        1 Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Air (KASA)
        2 Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ)
        3 Lembaga Pelabuhan Kelang
        4 Lembaga Pelabuhan Bintulu
        5 Jabatan Keselematan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JKKP)
        6 Malaysian Communication & Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
        7 Association of Malaysian Express Carrier (AMEC)
        8 Jabatan Tenaga Atom
        9 The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Malaysia (CILT)
        10 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM)
        11 Malaysia Shipowners’ Association (MASA)
        12 Material Handling and Logistics Technology Association of Malaysia
        13 Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas Sdn Bhd
        14 Northport (Malaysia) Bhd
        15 Bintulu Port Sdn Bhd
        16 Penang Port Sdn Bhd
        17 Kuantan Port
        18 Sabah Ports Sdn Bhd
        19 Kuching Port Authority

  • NSC 19 Electrical and Electronics Equipments and Accessories

    • National Standards Committee on Electrical and Electronics Equipments and Accessories (NSC 19)

      Scope: Standardisation in field of electrical and electronic equipment and accessories including nuclear instrumentation, fibre optic interconnecting device and the application of nanotechnology

      No Organisation
      1 Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR)
      2 Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDNHEP)
      3 Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB)
      4 Malaysian Association of Standards Users
      5 Malaysian Cable Manufacturers Association
      6 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
      7 Multimedia University
      8 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
      9 Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
      10 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
      11 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia (TEEAM)
      12 Universiti Netaga Nasional
      13 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
    • No Technical Committee
      1 NSC 19/TC 2 Equipment for Explosive Atmosphere
      2 NSC 19/TC 3 Lighting, Lamps and Accessories
      3 NSC 19/TC 5 Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances
      4 NSC 19/TC 6 Performance of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances
      5 NSC 19/TC 7 Audio, Video, IT and Communication Equipment
      6 NSC 19/TC 9 Environmental Standardisation for Electrical and Electronic Products
      7 NSC 19/TC 12 Nanotechnology Standard for Electrical and Electronic Products
      8 NSC 19/TC 13 Energy Efficiency and Conservation for Industrial Electrical Equipment
      9 NSC 19/TC 14 Wearable Electronic Devices and Technology
      10 NSC 19/TC 15 Smart Manufacturing
      • NSC 19/TC 2 Equipment for Explosive Atmosphere

        Technical Committee on Equipment for Explosive Atmosphere (NSC 19/TC 2)

        Scope: Standardisation in Malaysian Standards relating to equipment for use where there is a hazard due to the possible presence of explosive atmospheres of gases, vapours, mists or combustible dusts

        No Organisation
        1 PETRONAS
        2 Ampmech Industries Sdn Bhd
        3 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        4 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        5 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        6 Malaysian Gas Association
        7 Malaysian Oil and Gas Engineering Consultants
        8 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        9 Sarawak Shell Berhad
        10 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        11 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        12 Universiti Putra Malaysia
        13 PETRONAS Fertilizer (Kedah) Sdn Bhd
        14 Technip FMC
        15 ISEP (M) Sdn Bhd
        16 Motorola Solutions Malaysia
      • NSC 19/TC 3 Lighting, Lamps and Accessories

        Technical Committee on Lighting, Lamps and Accessories (NSC 19/TC 3)

        Scope: Standardisation on safety and performance for lighting, lamps and their accessories

        No Organisation
        1 Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik Jabatan Kerja Raya
        2 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        3 Universiti Malaya
        4 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        5 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        6 National Committee of CIE
        7 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        8 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        9 QAV Technologies Sdn Bhd
        10 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        11 UNITEN
        12 Coopted
        13 Gruppe Lighting Solution Sdn Bhd
        14 BOMBA
        15 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
      • NSC 19/TC 5 Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances

        Technical Committee on Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances (NSC 19/TC 5)

        Scope: Standardisation on safety requirements for electrical appliances primarily for household purposes, but also for other equipment and appliances in similar fields where there is no IEC Technical Committee in existence

        No Organisation
        1 Malaysian Electrical Appliances and Distributors Association
        2 Daikin Refrigeration Malaysia Sdn Bhd
        3 Jabatan Kerja Raya
        4 Khind-Mistral Industries Sdn Bhd
        5 Panasonic Manufacturing Malaysia Berhad
        6 Sharp Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd
        7 SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd
        8 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        9 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
        10 Thermo Hygro Consultants Sdn Bhd
        11 Universiti Malaya
        12 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        13 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        14 The Chemours Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Coopted member)
        15 Panasonic Appliances Air Conditioning Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Coopted member)
        16 Daikin Research & Development Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Coopted member)
      • NSC 19/TC 6 Performance of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances

        Technical Committee on Performance of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances (NSC 19/TC 6)

        Scope: Performance of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances

      • NSC 19/TC 7 Audio, Video, IT and Communication Equipment

        Technical Committee on Audio, Video, IT and Communication Equipment (NSC 19/TC 7)

        Scope: Audio, Video, IT and Communication Equipment

      • NSC 19/TC 9 Environmental Standardisation for Electrical and Electronic Products

        Technical Committee on Environmental Standardisation for Electrical and Electronic Products (NSC 19/TC 9)

        Scope: Environmental Standardisation for Electrical and Electronic Products

      • NSC 19/TC 12 Nanotechnology Standard for Electrical and Electronic Products

        Technical Committee on Nanotechnology Standard for Electrical and  Electronic Products (NSC 19/TC 12)

        Scope: Nanotechnology Standard for Electrical and  Electronic Products

      • NSC 19/TC 13 Energy Efficiency and Conservation for Industrial Electrical Equipment

        Technical Committee on Energy Efficiency and Conservation for Industrial Electrical Equipment (NSC 19/TC 13)

        Scope: Standardisation on electrical energy equipment for industries and commercial sector with guidance in design, selection and information on equipment energy-efficiency ratings; best practice guidance in operation, monitoring, inspection and maintenance; and energy-saving measures

        No Organisation
        1 Suruhanjaya Tenaga
        2 Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia
        3 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        4 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        5 Green Tech Solutions
        6 Cofreth (M) Sdn Bhd
        7 Malaysia Green Building Confederation
        8 SIRIM Berhad
        9 TNB Berhad
      • NSC 19/TC 14 Wearable Electronic Devices and Technology

        Technical Committee on Wearable Electronic Devices and Technology (NSC 19/TC 14)

        Scope: Standardization in the field of wearable electronic devices and technologies which include patchable materials and devices, implantable materials and devices, ingestible materials and devices, and electronic textile materials and devices

        No Organisation
        1 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        2 Pihak Berkuasa Peranti Perubatan Malaysia
        3 Favoriot Sdn Bhd
        4 Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
        5 MIMOS Semiconductor (M) Sdn Bhd
        6 Bahagian Perkhidmatan Kejuruteraan
        7 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
        8 Motorola Solution Sdn Bhd
        9 Rohde & Schwarz Malaysia Sdn Bhd
        10 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
        11 TM Research & Development Sdn Bhd
        12 Universiti Malaysia Perlis
        13 Universiti Teknologi MARA
        14 Universiti Sains Malaysia
      • NSC 19/TC 15 Smart Manufacturing

        Technical Committee on Smart Manufacturing (NSC 19/TC 15)

        Scope: Standardisation on Smart Manufacturing

        No Organisation
        1 Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT)
        2 CyberSecurity Malaysia
        3 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
        4 The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
        5 Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
        6 Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi
        7 Malaysia Industry 4.0 Systems Integrator Association
        8 Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa & Industri
        9 Machinery Technology Centre SIRIM
        10 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
        11 Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
        12 PETRONAS Group Technical Solutions ,Project Delivery and Technology (PD&T)
        13 MIMOS Berhad
        14 The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia (TEEAM)
        15 Malaysia Robotics and Automation Society (MyRAS)
        16 Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii)
        17 GMCM Sdn Bhd

  • NSC 27 Smart City

    • National Standards Committee on Smart City

      Scope: Standardisation in the field of smart cities that include development in aspects of compliance requirements, frameworks, guidleines, support techniques and related applications/systems that assist sustainable development in aspects of smart intelligence and electro technology to assist integration, interoperability and effectiveness of smart city systems 

      No Organisation
      1 Department of Town and Country Planning (PLANMalaysia)
      2 The Land Public Transport Agency (APAD)
      3 Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR)
      4 Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara (JPSPN)
      5 Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT)
      6 Perbadanan Putrajaya (PPj)
      7 Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
      8 Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST)
      9 National Water Services Commission (SPAN)
      10 Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)
      11 Malaysia Green Technology and Climate (MGTC)
      12 Malaysia Smart City Association (MSCA)
      13 Malaysian Industry-Government Group Technology (MIGHT)
      14 Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Berhad (MTSFB)
      15 Malaysia's National Applied Research and Development Centre (MIMOS)
      16 Pertubuhan Perancang Malaysia (MIP)
      17 Prasarana Malaysia Berhad
      18 Real Estate and Housing Development Authority (REHDA)
      19 Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA)
      20 Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM Berhad)
    • No Technical Committee
      1 Department of Town and Country Planning (PLANMalaysia)
      2 Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat (APAD)
      3 Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR)
      4 Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara (JPSPN)
      5 Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT)
      6 Perbadanan Putrajaya (PPj)
      7 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM)
      8 Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST)
      9 Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN)
      10 Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)
      11 Malaysia Green Technology & Climate (MGTC)
      12 Malaysia Smart City Association (MSCA)
      13 Malaysian Industry-Government Group Technology (MiGHT)
      14 Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Berhad (MTSFB)
      15 Malaysia`s National Applied Research and Development Centre (MIMOS)
      16 Pertubuhan Perancang Malaysia (MIP)
      17 Prasarana Malaysia Berhad
      18 Real Estate & Housing Development Authority (REHDA)
      19 Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA)
      20 Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM Berhad)
      • NSC 27/TC 1 Technical Committee on Smart City Indicator

        Technical Committee on Smart City Indicator (NSC 27/TC 1)

        Scope: Standardisation in the field of smart city indicator that set definitions and methodologies for a set of indicators for smart cities.

        No Organisation
        1 Department of Town and Country Planning (PLANMalaysia)
        2 Bahagian Kemampanan Bandar dan Persekitaran Hijau (KPKT)
        3 Bahagian Perkhidmatan Air dan Pembetungan (KASA)
        4 Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI)
        5 Kementerian Tenaga dan Sumber Asli (KETSA)
        6 Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)
        7 Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Makanan (MAFI)
        8 Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS)
        9 Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM)
        10 Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya Malaysia (MOTAC)
        11 Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM)
        12 Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara (JPSPN)
        13 Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia
        14 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC)
        15 Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat (APAD)
        16 Motorola Solutions Malaysia
        17 Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya
        18 Perbadanan Putrajaya
        19 Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd.
        20 Tenaga Nasional Berhad
        21 Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd.
        22 Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP)
      • NSC 27/TC 2 Technical Committee on Smart Cities ICT Infrastructure

        Technical Committee on Smart Cities ICT Infrastructure (NSC 27/TC 2)

        Scope: Standardization in the field of Smart City Infrastructure, including basic concepts to define and describe smartness of ICT infrastructure as an integrative large scale product, harmonized metrics for benchmarking, usage of the metrics for application to the diverse types of ICT field. 

        No Organisation
        1 Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC)
        2 Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA)
        3 MIGHT
        4 PR1MA Communications Sdn. Bhd.
        5 Cyberview Sdn.Bhd.
        6 PLANMalaysia
        7 SUK Penang
        8 Malaysia Smart Cities Alliance (MSCA)
        9 Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd (MTSFB)
        10 FAVORIOT Sdn. Bhd.
        11 Sistem Perintis Sdn. Bhd.
        12 Majlis Perbandaran Sepang
        13 Majlis Bandaraya Seberang Perai
        14 Cybersecurity
        15 Universiti Malaya

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