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Sistem MySOL

An online system whereby more than 5000 Malaysian Standards (MS) Documents are accessible to purchase.

Sistem dalam talian yang menyediakan kemudahan pembelian bagi lebih 5000 Dokumen Malaysian Standard (MS).

Organisasi Diakredit

Find accredited organisations/facilities.

Carian organisasi atau fasiliti yang telah diakredit.


An online system for management of accreditation assessments.

Sistem dalam talian untuk pengurusan penilaian akreditasi.

Portal ISOlutions

A system which supports national and international standardisation activities.

Sistem yang membantu aktiviti standardisasi kebangsaan dan antarabangsa.

Pendaftaran IIN/RID

An application for IIN/RID Registration.

Permohonan bagi pendaftaran IIN/RID.


Document Title Download
PSD 1 Policy on Standards 1 (PSD 1) - Development of Malaysian Standards PDF
PSD 2 Policy on Standards 2 (PSD 2) - International Standardisation Activites PDF
PSD 3 Policy on Standards 2 (PSD 3) - Policy for The Publications, Distribution, Sales, Reproductions and Copyright Protection of Malaysian Standards (POMS) PDF
ISO President: Charting the Future Through the Impact of Standards Usage,
2 Mac 2018, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Progressive Malaysia 2050 Laying the Foundation for Tomorrow PDF
The Fourth Industrial Revolution PPTX
List of Standards relate to Industry 4WRD Download
List of Standards relate to Industry 4WRD PDF

Public feedback is one of the important steps in the development of Malaysian Standards (MS). The Department of Standard Malaysia invites the public to comment on the draft MS, in accordance with Article 4 and Annex 3 of WTO/TBT Agreement. All comments will be considered by the relevant Standard Development Committee (SDC) under the purview of Standards Malaysia.